Exercise 4.49

Read Exercise 4.49 ~ Solution

In parse-word, remove the restriction that the first item of *unparsed* is a member of word-list will succeed for any non-empty phrase. In order to return a valid word, just make found-word a random item from word-list.

(interpret '(define (parse-word word-list)
              (require (not (null? *unparsed*)))
              (let ((found-word (random-word (cdr word-list))))
                (set! *unparsed* (cdr *unparsed*))
                (list (car word-list) found-word))))

(interpret '(define (random-word word-list)
              (list-ref word-list (random (length word-list)))))

Note the original program generates all possible sentence structures for the given input and so this version only generates a random example sentence for each of those structures. It doesn’t generate all possible sentences that have the same structure as the input.

;;; Amb-Eval input:
(parse '(the professor lectures to the cat in the class))

;;; Starting a new problem 
;;; Amb-Eval value:
 (simple-noun-phrase (article a)
                     (noun professor)) 
 (verb-phrase (verb-phrase (verb eats) 
                           (prep-phrase (prep by)
                                        (simple-noun-phrase (article the)
                                                            (noun cat)))) 
              (prep-phrase (prep to) 
                           (simple-noun-phrase (article a)
                                               (noun class)))))

;;; Amb-Eval input:

;;; Amb-Eval value:
 (simple-noun-phrase (article a) 
                     (noun professor))
 (verb-phrase (verb eats) 
              (prep-phrase (prep by) 
                           (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article the)
                                                            (noun cat))
                                        (prep-phrase (prep in)
                                                     (simple-noun-phrase (article the)
                                                                         (noun professor)))))))

;;; Amb-Eval input:

;;; Amb-Eval value:
 (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article a) 
                                  (noun professor)) 
              (prep-phrase (prep in) 
                           (simple-noun-phrase (article a) 
                                               (noun professor)))) 
 (verb-phrase (verb sleeps) 
              (prep-phrase (prep with) 
                           (simple-noun-phrase (article a) 
                                               (noun cat)))))

;;; Amb-Eval input:

;;; Amb-Eval value:
  (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article a) 
                                   (noun professor)) 
               (prep-phrase (prep in) 
                            (simple-noun-phrase (article a)
                                                (noun professor)))) 
  (prep-phrase (prep for) 
               (simple-noun-phrase (article a) 
                                   (noun class)))) 
 (verb sleeps))

;;; Amb-Eval input:

;;; Amb-Eval value:
  (simple-noun-phrase (article a)
                      (noun professor)) 
  (prep-phrase (prep in) 
               (noun-phrase (simple-noun-phrase (article a)
                                                (noun professor))
                            (prep-phrase (prep to)
                                         (simple-noun-phrase (article the)
                                                             (noun class))))))
 (verb sleeps))

;;; Amb-Eval input:

;;; There are no more values of
(parse '(the professor lectures to the cat in the class))


Having looked at the Exercise 4.50, I think there is another answer, which is probably what the authors were looking for:

(interpret '(define (remove-item item items)
              (cond ((null? items) null)
                    ((equal? item (car items)) (cdr items))
                    (else (cons (car items) (remove-item item (cdr items)))))))

(interpret '(define (random-element-of items)
              (require (not (null? items)))
              (let ((item (list-ref items (random (length items)))))
                (amb item (random-element-of (remove-item item items))))))

(interpret '(define (parse-word word-list)
              (require (not (null? *unparsed*)))
              (let ((found-word (random-element-of (cdr word-list))))
                (set! *unparsed* (cdr *unparsed*))
                (list (car word-list) found-word))))

This gives a more comprehensive result than last time as all possible sentences that match all possible sentence structures derived from the given sentence.

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